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Higher Educational Institutes

Leverage your infra for revenue and repute


Industry linked Course Material and Add-on Courses


Enhance skills, be more presentable, and grow socially responsible

For Higher Educational Institutes

LEVERAGE YOUR INFRA for Revenue and Repute.

Industries and NGOs need skilled talent pool. They want also to continuously upskill their existing employees. The solution lies in collaboration between academia and industry.

Our EDGE-based approach ensures a real edge—a competitive advantage—to our associates through Education, Development, Growth, and Entrepreneurship.

ReachMuchHigher supports higher education institutions to:
Set up a collaboration centre, and through the centre they’ll help the underprivileged students become employable.

  • Develop the right courses for the identified customer segments such as MSMEs, NGOs, and other training seekers.

We help institutions to supplement the regular education by instilling professional development, personal growth, and entrepreneurship spirit into their students. This raises the employability of their students, attracts more recruiters, and thereby improves reputation among prospective students and parents. In addition, the institutions can offer these packages to industries and working professionals who want to stay abreast of new industry trends and skill requirements.

Institutions thus contribute to the competence building and productivity of industries, and facilitate the professional development and personal growth of their own faculty members by providing them the right industry connect. 
ReachMuchHigher has identified different training needs of the MSMEs and developed relevant course modules. Master trainers are trained, who can deliver the course material successfully. With continuous capacity building for industries and NGOs, we carve excellence in academia and industries to build a brave new nation.


Forty-five per cent of our Indian population are in the 20-35 age group. To ensure that this cohort productively contributes to the economic growth of the country, skill development must be a priority. A skilled workforce is a strong driver of growth, it’s also a driver of the entrepreneurship spirit.

With the increasing CSR budgets of companies, many of them are looking for meaningful collaborations with academic institutions. They want to implement their CSR projects—which means not just spending money; but spending it in meaningful ways. They want to build the capacity and effectiveness of their CSR team and be remembered for how they contribute to the society and nation-building.

Set up a collaboration centre to partner with companies that have similar interests and goals as you have. The centre can conduct training programs and hold meaningful discussions with different stakeholders. ReachMuchHigher, with our wide network and years of compounded experience, can find you the right partners from the industry, government agencies, and NGOs, and help you set up the centre quickly to gain the EDGE advantage


Civic engagement is a great paradigm shift that modern societies expect from higher educational institutions. UNESCO has been organizing workshops/conferences on ‘Community Engagement in HEIs’. National and state governments have had many deliberations around this and the National Education Policy (NEP) 2022 has given more weightage to HEI-Community engagement.

To gain the real EDGE any good academic institution should be deeply embedded within the community around them. One of the best ways to do this is to engage the staff and students in social work for the needy and underprivileged people around the institution.

The challenge for the institutions is about finding effective ways to develop, transmit and apply knowledge for public good. This is not charity; this is a mission that HEIs are expected to fulfil—to combine academic knowledge and community experience to address social disadvantage and to realize a fair society, sustainable development, and well-being.

The EDGE model of ReachMuchHigher, guides and mentors the community connect programs matching with the local realities of your region. We’ll be able to leverage government and NGO machineries and their knowledge base to make these engagements more efficient and productive.

Together, We’re Stronger, Bigger

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For Faculties


Upgrade curriculum
For any effective educational intervention, the course curriculum is updated to match the current industry requirements. This is done through the EDGE model—the right blending of Education with professional Development and personal Growth, and Entrepreneurship mindset. ReachMuchHigher supports the institutes through industry veterans to upgrade the curriculum for their courses.

Provide add-on courses
In addition, we design the optional, employment-linked courses that students take up as add-on courses. We also provide the framework to start bachelor’s courses in vocational programs as per the interest of the institute. These add-on courses and B.Voc courses augment the employability of the students and bring additional revenue to the institution.


We offer faculty development programs (FDP) and Refresher Training to the teachers and the non-teaching staff. We help them stay tuned to the current industry trends and thus to groom their students to be industry-ready. Through industry collaboration and matching the industry skill-requirements, the empowered faculty makes a name for their institution.

Through this intervention, we support the India government’s efforts to build a future-proof workforce equipped with new-age skills. As a country that promotes entrepreneurial culture and wants to become a manufacturing hub, India nurtures a culture that inspires the best minds to learn and evolve continuously. ReachMuchHigher promotes this learning culture through our FDP and Refresher training programs—helps the higher education institutions to become channels that materialize the government’s efforts at building a stronger nation. We thus help to build a stronger nation that has a global edge over other nations by virtue of the EDGEEducation, Development, Growth, and Entrepreneurship—of their higher educational institutions, faculty, and students

Promote a Culture of RESEARCH

Research on topics of national and international relevance attracts attention, and brings greater visibility and reputation to the institution. Eventually, such institutions become magnets attracting students, faculty, grants, and media coverage.

Research competitions
We organize research paper competitions to motivate the faculty members to actively participate in research. Excellence in research is recognized through rewards to the researchers, and their papers are published in well-known national and international journals. The research, presentations, and publications augment visibility for the researchers and their organizations.

An excellent research culture bolsters all stakeholders. National and institutional policies and attitudes influence the involvement of staff at all levels. An organization’s approach to research ethics, standards, protocols and policies influences the quality and integrity of research being done. ReachMuchHigher helps inculcate a great research culture, facilitates the processes of research publishing, and encourages faculty members for participation.

Together, We’re Stronger, Bigger

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For Students

Technical Skills, Internships, EMPLOYABILITY

The International Monetary Fund’s World Economic Outlook estimated India as the world’s sixth-largest economy in 2021. A Bank of America study projects India to be the world’s third-largest economy by 2031. This steep growth is based on various factors, one key factor being our skilled talent pool. However, currently we are challenged with a massive shortage of good talent.

We found the answer in our EDGE model where we blend Education, Development, Growth and Entrepreneurship in the right proportions.

Students need industry exposure and guidance to get groomed for the interview process, for selecting the right career path and right employer, and to hone their skills to match the industry requirements. ReachMuchHigher provides skills training to make the students employable and help them find the right internships. We have proven credentials in counselling, training, and helping with internship.

Soft Skills, Attitude and Behaviour

Recruiters and employers always prefer candidates with very good soft skills. Hard skills (aka technical skills) are directly related to the job; soft skills are the personality traits that decide how a person work with and relate to others.

Soft skills enable you to succeed in the workplace. They comprise your attitudes, flexibility, manners, and responses to situations and people. Soft skills are so important that they heavily influence the decisions to hire, retain, and promote employees. Soft skills are difficult to quantify and difficult to acquire than technical skills. They become part of a person over a long period of grooming and formation. ReachMuchHigher have specialists who are experts at nurturing soft skills, enabling students for the long haul of their career plans. Well begun, they become good at improving these skills for the workplace, thus rising up the career ladder in due course.

Social Responsibilities

EDGE to the students brings an edge to the communities that they belong to. Students getting exposure to the development needs of the society around them and being able to contribute is also very important for their wholesome growth as responsible citizens. Social immersion grows their social and emotional quotients.  ReachMuchHigher engages students in community service through a proven framework, teaching materials, and monitoring. This will be integrated with the strategy on student mobilisation and their employment possibilities.